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Approved Weapons

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Approved Weapons Empty Approved Weapons

Post by Sydan Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:01 am

-Curse Trap
A spell that is summoned at a particular place. Once set the spell can not be seen by any players other than the one who cast it. The spell covers an area similar to that of the Detnade's explosion. If anyone enters the spells area they recieve high level damage. The trap is designed so that it will quickly kill players with full health. The trap is then removed after it has done a set amount of damage.

If a weapon is fired into the affective area of the trap, it will light up signifying that it is there. As a trap is attacked it gradually loses health and so can be removed.

-Eagle Rifle
A sniper rifle. Left click fires, right click zooms. This is done by deattaching the camera from the player and allowing to roam free as far as you wish from the player. The rifle's range is only limited by obstacles. The rifle deals ~50 damage on a body shot and over 100 damage on a headshot, guarentying instant kills if you aim well.

-Shield (no special name yet)
A solid shield that can deflect projectiles and protect you from all attacks from one direction. It can also push other players. When the shield is not equiped it sticks to your back, protecting you from sneaky ambushes. After 200 damage the shield brakes and must be repaired by an ammo kit. Works well with the Eagle Rifle.

-Bow (no special name yet)
A simple hunting bow and quiver. It has a fire arc similar to that of the fireball and deals ~40 damage, but with a high damage reduction over distance. Arrows that make contact with the target will remain impaled. This has no effect unless you also have the fireball in one of your weapon slots. If so you can trigger a 'fire arrow' mode. These arrows will continue to hurt their target after they have impaled and can only be put out with water.

-Grapple hook (no special name yet)
A tool for traversing your surroundings in an alternate manner. The grapple hook has a medium range. On a left click it fires and on a right click it reels you towards the hook. Left click again releases the rope. In this way you can swing from platform to platform, evading attacks in a new and imaginative way. The Grapple is not proposed to be able to grab other players.

-Drop Turret/Auto Turret
A small inteligent turret that has a medium fire range and 100 health. Simple and easy to use tactically, they will be able to stick to walls and ceilings but will take some time to set them up.

-Drop Shield
Deploys similar to the Drop turret, however takes longer and can only be placed on the ground. Once set up the shield covers an area that allows two players to stand under it.

-Beam pistol
Fires a medium range continous beam, never runs out of ammo, simply needs to recharge after some time.

See this..

A large and heavy 18th Century Cannon that takes ages to reload but is devastingly powerful.
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