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Known Bugs (Official)

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Known Bugs (Official) Empty Known Bugs (Official)

Post by Sydan Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:46 am

There are a few known bugs with version 1.19 (the version you are using currently).

Error message bugs

str_pl_name[a] ; cannot be found. - Fairly common. Occurs when players do not properly log in or out. Press ignore.

count_sec related error - Some complex problem involving the servers internal timer. The timer is not used but is there for future use. Press ignore.

Gameplay bugs
- You can type your name or session name before clicking on the box.
- At low frame rates damage may vary.
- Fire and other particle effects may retain from one server to the next.
- Players sometimes log out and then time out with out reason.
- The Large Knife can cause damage even when not in use and dead.
- The Large Knife can block even when not in use and dead (useless).
- The Fireball is affected by differences in time constant and can miss easily, even if it appears to hit on the clients game.
- The Shuriken do not stick to walls correctly.
- Death animations can play twice, or not at all.
- Players can become stuck inside walls.
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